Sunday, May 23, 2010

Anniversary Song

On our anniversary, Luke and Henry went into their bedroom and whispered and giggled a lot. They had the camera with them, and emerged a few minutes later with this recorded present for us.

Yard Work

Okay, why don't I know how to put a line of text under a picture? I need to go look that up. Anyhow, I haven't been blogging as I've been busy trying to get a little yardwork done in between baby care and rain showers. So yes, I've been planting one seed at a time. A little discouraging, but as you can see from the first picture of our yard, there is a lot of work to be done. That is our jeep at the very back of our long, skinny property. Craig was hauling mulch back there. A half-acre yard sounded like a great idea when we bought the house, but I'm feeling just a little overwhelmed right now.
The second picture is the site of our garden before Craig built the raised beds; you can see what it looks like now in the last two pictures. That is our neighbor's house behind the garden. And really, don't you find a gardening man quite attractive? I do.